
Boston MedFlight Enhances Crew Safety with E3 Technology

Boston MedFlight Invests in E3 Night Vision Goggles from ASU Commitment to Safety and Excellence Boston MedFlight (BMF), a nonprofit critical care transport service, has announced the purchase of the evolutionary E3 Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) from Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Inc. (ASU). This investment is part of Boston MedFlight’s ongoing commitment to improving the safety […]

Norwegian Air Ambulance E3 Night Vision Goggles and Cockpit Modifications

ASU Inc., Skytec AS and Norwegian Air Ambulance representatives celebrate new contract for 14 E3 night vision goggles and five night vision cockpit modifications.

Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Inc. announced an agreement with Skytec AS today from European Rotors. The agreement will deliver 14 new ASU E3 night vision goggles and five cockpit modifications for the Norwegian Air Ambulance. “We have been working with clients in Europe for years and hold EASA STCs for H145 and H135 aircraft operated by […]

The “Why” behind E3

Aviation Specialties Unlimited's new lightweight night vision goggle E3

This post describes the insights and concerns that spurred the creation of E3, our innovative lightweight night vision goggle. Limited ANVIS System Improvements: Over the last 40 years, the ANVIS system has seen minimal advancements, except for incremental improvements in image tube performance (e.g., FOM) and a transition from P43 Green to P45 White output […]

Harris Corporation Night Vision Goggles Receive FAA Technical Standard Order Authorization Certification

Harris Corporation’s F4949 Aviator’s Night Vision Imaging System (ANVIS) has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Standard Order Authorization (TSOA) certification. This certification provides the FAA, as well as others in civil aviation, a quick and clear determination that the night vision product is certified for Before the TSOA certification program, night vision goggles were certified under […]

L3 First Company to Receive New FAA Certification for Aviation Night Vision Goggles

LONDONDERRY, N.H., January 24, 2017 – L3 Warrior Systems – Insight Technology (L3 Insight Technology) announced today that it has received the first Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Technical Standard Order (TSO)-C164a authorization for its M949 Aviation Night Vision Goggle (ANVG). L3 is the first company to receive this authorization, which standardizes quality and safety specifications for ANVGs. […]