
Sanford Lifeflight benefitting from night vision technology

Fargo, ND (WDAY TV) – The military has realized the benefits of night vision technology for years. Now pilots with Sanford’s Life Flight have been trained and are now using the helmet mounted night-vision goggles. The goggles are especially important for medical emergencies in our rural areas

The military has realized the benefits of night vision technology for years. Now pilots with Sanford’s Life Flight have been trained and are now using the helmet mounted night-vision goggles. The goggles are especially important for medical emergencies in our rural areas.

Life Flight pilot Tim Vreeman is no stranger to birds. He’s been flying helicopters since his time in Vietnam back in the late 60’s. So when he and his crew head out from Sanford on at night on an emergency call, these are now making all the difference – Night Vision Goggles.

Tim Vreeman – Sanford Life Flight Pilot: “With the goggles on, on a bright moonlight night it is almost like day light.”

Imagine piloting a helicopter at night seeing nothing but darkness and black below….with the night vision goggles, the pilots and flight crew can get a better idea where to land at a car or farm accident scene.

Tim Vreeman: “The major advantage is we can see obstacles.”

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