
Safety Alert for Operators is issued for operators of aircraft equipped with a Night Vision Imaging

Safety Alert for Operators is issued for operators of aircraft equipped with a Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) of potential deficiencies in the configuration and condition of installed NVIS equipment .

Recent Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) assessments of NVIS-equipped aircraft have shown that the likelihood of configuration and maintenance problems increases as aircraft continue in service after NVIS modifications. This means that operators of NVIS-equipped aircraft may not be adequately meeting the inspection and maintenance requirements of NVISs.

The assessment also concluded that operators are installing light-emitting or light-reflecting equipment, which affects the NVIS compatibility of the aircraft, without ensuring that the equipment is properly evaluated.

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ASU Completes B222 for CALSTAR

Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Inc. (ASU) is pleased to announce that it has completed another Bell 222 Night Vision Lighting Modification for California Shock Trauma Air